Gleeson Quarries produce a wide variety of aggregates for the construction sector. Aggregates comprise crushed stone and are the raw material for readymix concrete, concrete blocks and road materials. Limestone aggregates are highly versatile and can be used in virtually every construction setting. A typical house consumes 60 tonnes of aggregate in various forms- granular fill, readymix concrete, concrete blocks, concrete roof tiles, precast concrete flooring, etc.
Aggregates are obtained by firstly drilling and blasting the quarry face. The resultant rock is then transported to a crushing plant where it is crushed and screened into different sizes and grades. It is then stockpiled for future delivery to construction sites.
Limestone is particularily suitable as a road building material due to its high compressive strength and binding ability. Gleeson Quarries is one of the leading producers and suppliers of Clause 804 and Clause 810 road materials to the local authorities and contractors for road building and improvement schemes. Extensive in-house and off-site quality testing is undertaken to ensure that the material conforms to the exact Department of the Environment specifications.